September 13, 2017

September 2017: Brothers of Charity and Desmond College start a new year

Each year Desmond College, Newcastlewest Transition Year class are invited to form new and exciting friendships with the service users in the Brothers of Charity Newcastlewest.

The Transition Years are welcomed on the first week of term and are toured around the facility. They then have the unique opportunity of having a day to experience the day-to-day life of the service users needs.

They are taught how to help and respond to all the people they meet under the direction of Mike Sheahan and his colleagues.

The friendship between the school and Brothers of Charity has proven to have a positive effect on all involved. The Transition Years will have the opportunity to complete work experience and organise different events for their new friends.

The service users of the Brothers of Charity reap the rewards by having new and young faces around the centre, showing assistance in their activities.

Desmond College Transition Years also invite their friends in the Brothers of Charity to celebratory events in the school. Friendships are formed and last for years.